Mathematic Antithesis of His Story

Having spent the last four weeks talking about “real” history while avoiding “crazy” conspiratorial slants, tonight I flipped the counter-weights full-over to the other side.

Anatoly Fomenko

Before there was a “la-la girl,” another Crazy Ivan would occasionally be interjected into this show. His name is Anatoly Fomenko, and he has some crazy theories about our past.

Got into Fomenko’s theories in great detail (almost 5 hours worth actually). Though, the volume of his writings could justify hundreds of hours of discussion. Patience is a virtue. The show will become available.

Genghis Khan

The man [immediately] above, wasn’t exactly one extolling the virtues of patience, but he may (or may not) have a lot to do with a potential end-game of historical revision.

~ by celticrebel on January 19, 2015.

5 Responses to “Mathematic Antithesis of His Story”

  1. I would really like it if you could fix a link to download the podcasts. Not all of your listeners are awake when you transmit, like me… I’m in Europe.

  2. Yes a link to podcast would be awesome!

    Hope your well my friend.

  3. Hi CR,

    Another one to file under the category of “The Rebel was right.”

    From your Oracle days I remember that you picked up on the not so hidden pedophilia in 50 Shades of Grey. Someone else has too… (about 3 years later)

    VID: [Stefan Doing Something Not Original]

    I miss your show. Hope all is well.

  4. Alexander Zinoviev wrote the following in the Foreword to mathematician, Anatoly Fomenko’s, seminal work, History: Fiction or Science:

    “…What A.T. Fomenko and his colleagues had learnt over the course of their research was the fact that the entire history of humanity up until the XVII century is a forgery of global proportions – a falsification as deliberate as it is universal…

    The first global falsification of history as discovered and brilliantly related by Fomenko was based on an erroneous temporal and spatial coordinate system of chronological events.”

    (A.T. Fomenko, History: Fiction or Science, Vol. 1, Delamere Resources, 2003-2006.)

  5. Can you rate your shows, which one is the best download..

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